
SME NewsLetter v1   Newsletter


Superfly Music Channels


Wir alle wissen, dass Essen und Trinken nicht nur ein leibliches, sondern vor allem ein sinnliches Vergnügen ist. Die passende Musik spielt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle, die eine einzigartige Atmosphäre schafft und unsere Geschmackssinne unterstützt. Wir bei Radio Superfly, als bekennende Genießer:innen und Connaisseure haben deshalb 6 unterschiedliche Music Channels ins Leben gerufen, aus denen via Weblink und eigenem Login bzw. über unseren Musicplayer die passende Stimmung ausgewählt und vor Ort geschaffen werden kann.

chann new

Auf den Geschmack gekommen?

It's very simple. Kontaktiere uns unter folgender Mailadresse Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! und nutze den taste of music.


  • EUR 190 netto (werbefrei inkl. kurzem Superfly Audiobranding)
  • EUR 240 netto (gänzlich werbefrei und ungebrandet)
    Mindestlaufzeit 12 Monate.
    Ohne Musiknutzungslizenzen für die öffentliche Ausstrahlung (AKM/GEMA Lizenz).

Musicplayer (optional):
Zusätzlich gibt es die Möglichkeit die Channels über unseren Player (STREAMIT LCD AUDIO PLAYER) zu empfangen - einmalig zum Preis von EUR 250 netto inklusive Installation der Channels am Player, ohne Anschluss vor Ort an die Hausanlage über eine LAN-Verbindung.

Als Amuse Gueule schicken wir dir auch gerne alle weiteren Infos zu und bieten dir die Möglichkeit, die Channels ab sofort 1 Monat lang kostenlos zu testen. 

Superfly Most Liked

Charts waren gestern, heute gibt es “Most Liked”, die neue Show auf Radio Superfly.

Wir haben in den letzten Jahren festgestellt, dass bei all den Songs, die ihr über die Superfly App liked, auch so viele zeitlose Klassiker, vergessene Schätze und rare Perlen aus verschiedensten Jahrzehnten darunter sind. Und diese Likes wollen wir nicht übersehen. Also konzentrieren wir uns ab sofort jeden Freitag auf eure liebsten Songs aus der weiten Welt von Radio Superfly.

Jedes Like ist etwas sehr Subjektives, und gerade deshalb so wichtig. On Air legen wir natürlich weiterhin einen starken Fokus auf neue und frische Tunes, vergessen dabei aber eben nicht auf all die wunderbare Musik, die wir schon eine ganze Weile kennen und lieben.

Es liegt in eurer Hand:

Euer Like ist unsere Show - jeden Freitag von 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr.

Superfly Most Liked gibts auch hier zum Nachhören:

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The Superfly App - One Radio Five Channels

Hol dir nun Update 3.0 und mach dein Smartphone zum Radio.

Genießt unsere Channels egal wo ihr seid. Aus Wien für die Welt. Mit der kostenlosen App könnt ihr unseren Superfly Sound hören und nebenbei unser Musikprogramm mitbestimmen. Mit einem Klick könnt ihr unsere Tracks liken und unsere wöchentliche Chartshow beeinflussen. Wir nehmen uns euer Feedback zu Herzen.

Neben altbewährten Funktionen wie:

  • Auf dem Display seht ihr das Cover des gerade gespielten Tracks.
  • Favoriten: Mit einem Klick auf das Herz Icon speicherst du Songs in deiner persönlichen Favoritenliste und erhältst künftig auf Wunsch eine Benachrichtigung, wenn deine Lieblingstracks das nächste Mal auf Radio Superfly zu hören sind. Zudem fließt dein Feedback in die Auswertung von "Superfly Most Liked" mitein.
  • Multi-Task: Ihr könnt Superfly auch weiter hören, wenn ihr zu einer anderen App wechselt.
  • „Sharing is caring“ - lasst eure Freunde wissen, was ihr gerade hört. Teile es ihnen mit ein paar Klicks über Mail, Twitter, Facebook, etc. mit.

Radio Superfly goes on demand. Mit den neuen Features könnt ihr zusätzlich alle Superfly Podcast's und Beiträge jederzeit nachhören. Wechselt einfach von unserem regulären Programm zu unseren Beiträgen und im Anschluss wieder zurück. Ihr habt noch nicht genug von unserem unverwechselbaren Sound? Genießt unsere zusätzlichen 4 Premium Channels auf eurem Handy. Je nach Lust und Laune ist für jeden Superflyer das geeignete dabei. 

  • Superfly Music
  • Superfly Club
  • Superfly Easy
  • Superfly Jazz

Holt euch die App - macht ein Update - lasst uns eine positive Bewertung im Store.

Alle weiteren Infos zur App, unseren Channels und unseren AGB's findet ihr in den jeweiligen Stores.

Privacy Policy

This web site is the property of Radio Superfly GmbH..

Radio Superfly GmbH. has created this privacy statement to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy issues. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices of Radio Superfly GmbH.. At Radio Superfly GmbH., we are very committed to your privacy, so here is our privacy promise to you.


Radio Superfly GmbH. will never sell, exchange, or release to an unaffiliated third party any of your individual personal information without your express permission.

Information we may collect

If you visit our web site: When you visit our web site, your web browser transmits to our server(s) some basic information needed to complete your request: your IP address, the page you request, any parameters for the request, the browser you are using (including version and operating system,) and the page you are coming from. This information is used to serve your request for a web page, and some of it is then kept in our web server logs.
If you register to obtain an Radio Superfly GmbH. user ID: When you register with Radio Superfly GmbH. to obtain a user ID and password, in addition to the information we gather from all web site visitors we also ask you to provide us with your name, your email address, your chosen user ID and password, and some basic demographic information such as you postal/zip code, your country, your home base airport, and your involvement in aviation. We keep all this information in an encrypted form in our systems.
If you purchase products or services from us: We collect from you identification information such as your name, your company, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address. We also keep a record of the products or services you ordered from us. When you send us your payment we may also collect additional information such as the date of payment, your method of payment and your account number or credit card number and expiration date.
If you submit user comments: We will collect the information that you write in the comment, the date and time that you wrote your comment, and associate that information with your user ID.
If you submit any other information over the web site: We receive and record the information you submit (such as fuel price updates, business listings, etc.)
If you email us: In addition to the contents of your message, we collect your email address and the list of email servers that the message traversed on its way to us.
If you fax us: In addition to the contents of your message, we collect your fax header information and the number you called from via Caller ID.
If you write to us by mail: In addition to the contents of your message, we collect your return address and postmark date.
If you call us: In addition to the contents of your message, we collect the telephone number you are calling from via Caller ID.
How we use the information

We analyze our web logs for activity, trends, most frequently requested pages, paths through the web site, etc. This enables us to understand how our users use our web site, and how we can improve to make it even easier to use. In our analysis we look at aggregate information, as our logs do not have any personal identifying information.

We may have a need to contact you for clarification on some submission you made, to reply to a message you sent us, to inform you of an update made to your listing, or to solicit your assistance with some issue. We will use personal identifying information we have about you in our attempt to contact you.

If you submit a comment about a business, service, or facility listed on Radio Superfly GmbH., and we publish your comment on our web site, we will publish also your name and the date you made your comment. Upon request by the business affected by your comment, who may want to follow up with you regarding your comment, we may also release to the affected business personally identifying information such as your email address or home base. If you want your name withheld from any specific comment, please contact us by email. Be aware that after we remove your name the comment will read as coming from an anonymous person, and we will after that honor any request by anyone to remove that comment.

Occasionally, an Radio Superfly GmbH. user or other interested party may desire to contact another Radio Superfly GmbH. user. This happens most often as a result of a comment posted by a registered user. We will follow your instructions about release of your name and email address to any such third party.

We will disclose personal identifying information we may have in response to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.

About external links

To improve your browsing experience on the world-wide web, our web site may provide links to sites and pages that are not affiliated with us in any way. When you follow a link to such an external site, you are no longer on the Radio Superfly GmbH. web site. We do not review or have any control over the privacy practices of those external sites. You may have to find those privacy notices yourself. Frequently a link to a privacy policy exists at the bottom of the main page for each site.

Use of Cookies

Like many other web sites, we make use of "cookies." Our site uses cookies to improve your interactive experience. However, cookies are not required. If you disable cookies in your browser our site will still work, but with a less user-friendly interactive experience. What are cookies? Cookies are small bits of information exchanged between your computer and ours. We start by sending you a cookie, and your computer automatically sends it back every time you make a request for a new page. We assign unique cookies to each session, and that enables us to maintain some memory between pages you visit ‐ that way you don't have to keep entering the same information over and over. For example, if you check the box for "Remember me" when you log in, we will place a cookie on your computer so that in the future you don't have to provide your user ID and password with every submission. If you choose not to accept our cookies that's fine with us, but you'll have to retype more often. We do not use cookies for any other purpose other than keeping some information across page requests.

We do not exchange cookie information with any third party.

If you do not want to accept cookies from Radio Superfly GmbH. or other sites, your browser software should allow you set that preference.

For further information about our privacy policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with Radio Superfly GmbH., please Contact us.

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Friends of Superfly

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Der Newsletter bietet folgende Vorteile:

  • aktuelle Superfly News
  • exklusive Gewinnspiele für Tickets, CD´s und mehr ...
  • Einladungen zu Superfly Events
  • persönliche Superfly-Erstinformationen

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UKW: Wien 98.3 | St.Pölten, Tulln, Krems 93.2 | Baden 95.5
Kabel: Magenta TV

Superfly App for iOS & Android
Smart Speaker: Alexa & Google Home Skill


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